Holistic Health and Family Wellness Coaching

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Your body is constantly striving to maintain good health. The outcome greatly depends on what you fuel it with. My aim is to support you in reclaiming control of your life and achieving the balance we all desire


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Health is Wealth Concept

Holistic Nutrition and Health Coaching

A look at your family history, setting goals together where we as a team can tackle the obstacles keeping you from healthfulness.

Happy Family Concept. Hands of Family Group People

Family Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching

An overview of how your child's nutrition, and the family lifestyle and dynamics may be affecting their behaviour with modification suggestions to improve your overall family health and interactions.

Cart in the Grocery

Shopping Alternatives

A consultation reviewing your diet and life style along with a field trip to your local grocery store to assist you in learning about the alternative foods to assist you in your health journey.

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Nutrition Education

Assisting you in understand the connection between what you expose your body to and how it affects your body systems and the ailments you may be experiencing. This can also entail recipes, healthy alternative cooking strategies and assistance with food prep ideas.

Dietary restrictions for health, religious, or personal reasons are taken into consideration for program development

About me...

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I am a certified holistic nutritionist, health coach and child and youth worker for the last 18 years, working within the public school system. That of which I remain very passionate about. I am a wife and mother of two beautiful children who are my daily inspiration. My health journey started 11 years ago, soon after the birth of my son. From persistent post-meal nauseousness to body aches, brittle nails, excessive tiredness, difficulty falling asleep, and mental fog. These symptoms consumed my days. My new gluten intolerance and two autoimmune disorders, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism, weren't discovered until I was pregnant with my daughter 3 years later. Having a doctor tell me I would have these diseases and be on medication for the rest of my life, I was inconsolable. This emotion did not match the one I experienced after learning that I had Fibromyalgia post pregnancy. I was unable to enjoy all that life had to offer because of this crippling illness. Especially the events I wanted to share with my husband and kids.

It wasn't until I had a functional health care professional help me see how my lifestyle and eating were impacting my body that I was able to make life altering changes for the better. For the first time in my four year old's life I was able to bare the cold and build her a snowman. I could run and play with my children again, no longer fearing the toll that my illness was going to have on my husband and babies. So I went back to school and at the age of forty and in the best physical shape of my life, I want to encourage others to reclaim their lives. You might not have to endure the discomfort, symptoms, and challenges you believe are a life long part of you. With my knowledge and passion to help others, I am hopeful that we can walk towards the healthiest version of you.

Kind Words From Happy Clients

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"When Lack of energy, poor balance, and neuropathy in both legs started to negatively impact my daily life, and medical testing and opinions could determine no definitive cause or solutions, I resigned myself to accept the limitations to my vitality. However, Kelly convinced me to consider the possibility that my eating habits might be causing inflammation severe enough to produce the chronic symptoms that I was experiencing. Armed with the information and suggestions she provided, I set about making changes to my diet that almost immediately improved my energy and, over the course of several months, almost completely eliminated the neuropathy and balance issues. Today, I feel stronger and healthier than I have in years - and am so grateful that Kelly's passionate and knowledgeable advocacy for the importance of improved nutrition was too convincing to ignore!"


" I am currently a 42 year old woman, who has suffered with a dairy allergies since birth and environmental allergies since puberty with my dairy allergy intensifying in my 30s. In addition to food and environmental allergies I suffer with migraines as a byproduct of my allergies. This past summer the reactions to foods and allergens worsened. I became ill after eating most foods and could no longer drink even a sip of alcohol without a 5-day long migraine surfacing, which is when I reached out to Kelly Price, a Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach. Kelly understood that I was not looking for quick fixes; instead looking for sustainable and lasting change. She was able to pinpoint the root cause of my reaction, developed a plan that would begin immediately and followed up daily. In typical Kelly fashion she went above and beyond to create recipes that followed in line with her recommendations so that I wasn't left searching for new meal plans on my own. I cannot put into words the gratitude that I feel having access to that level of quality support. I believe enduring her own health battles helped her to recognize how difficult and defeating it is to feel unhealthy every day. She understands the frustration one feels when medical practitioners struggle to get to the root cause of illnesses and how nutrition is sometimes overlooked despite its critical connection to someone's physical, emotional, and mental well being. Kelly's genuine dedication to this field and her clientele are remarkably heartwarming. How refreshing it is to be able to work with someone in partnership to keep your mind and body feeling its best.

With gratitude,


Packages and Pricing: Holistic Nutrition and Health Coaching

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Consultation Appointment: Free

Single Health Coaching Session: $60

Coaching Package:

  • Six health coaching sessions, access to daily text or emailing with your coach: $300

Healthfulness Package:

  • Six health coaching sessions, access to daily text or emailing with your coach, personal recipe box for your individual dietary needs, one hour supermarket visit to learn how to shop alternatives and healthier options : $400

Packages and Pricing: Family Coaching

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Consultation Appointment: Free

Single Session: $60

Basic Package:

  • Six in-home family coaching sessions looking at both family nutrition and lifestyle that may be effecting your child and/or youth's behaviour: $340

Health and Behavioural Package:

  • Six in-home family coaching sessions looking at both family nutrition and lifestyle that may be effecting your child and/or youth's behaviour, creation of any tools/visuals that may be useful or necessary for reshaping behaviour, one hour supermarket visit to learn how to shop alternatives and healthier options for your family: $450

Let's work together.

Get in touch!


(519) 984-6900

